10 Tips to avoid Google Penalty

Google is now more focused on the quality and freshness of search results. So it has been working on some improvements on search Algorithm. Google Panda is the main change in Google search algorithm which is now penalizing websites with low quality content. After the launch of Google Panda, many content farmers and low quality websites have seen a great fall in the traffic. So all webmasters must take care some things to avoid Google penalty.
Google Penalty 10 Tips to avoid Google Penalty website design tutorial seo search engine optimization
  1. Avoid linking low quality websites. If it is necessary to link a website with low rank and low content then use nofollow attribute with the link.
  2. Keyword density plays an important role in ranking the website on the search results. But keyword density has a safe side. It should be in between 2-7. Over use of keywords may leads to get Google Penalty. So check keyword density in each of your posts and try to post with keyword density acceptable by Google.
  3. Do not over use ads and scripts on the website. Google penalize those websites which focuses on Ads and earning money only. According to Google, a website on which it is hard to find content in between ads will given negative points.
  4. Do not copy content from other websites. This is the main thing which Google hates. Google Panda mainly focuses on those website which copy content from some other websites and mark them as spam. All the spam websites will be removed from the Google search results
  5. Do not use hidden links on the web pages. Google panda hates use of hidden links
  6. Try to avoid link exchange.Now search engine is smart enough to know the link exchange done by you. And it does not count these links while ranking a websites. So increasing this type of back-links are now penalized by Google.
  7. Remove all broken links from the website. And dis-allow tags and categories from the search indexing.
  8. Do not use any image from malicious website.
  9. Do not use automatic publishing scripts/plugins to build content. This is also heavily penalized by Google.
  10. Improve your website speed and optimize scripts and CSS. Website speed is also now a main factor which plays an important role in search engine ranking. Google Panda also take this point into consideration.
These are some points which we must take care to avoid Google penalty. And after the Google Panda, SEO and link building must be taken care.

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