#OpFreeWildan: Indonesian Government Sites Hacked in Protest Over Alleged Jember Hacker Arrest


Recently, Indonesian Police arrested an alleged member of Jember Hacker Team for hacking the official Presidential website (presidensby.info) earlier this month. Following the arrest, the Anonymous hackers started to attack the government websites.

Wildan Yani S. Hari, 22, who works at an Internet cafe run by company CV Suryatama, was arrested on Friday by investigators from the National Police’s cyber crimes unit.

According to local news report, anonymous hackers hacked at least seven sites, including those of the Justice and Human Rights Ministry, the Social Affairs Ministry, the Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) and the Indonesian Embassy in Taskhent.

An Indonesian hacker also defaced www.pa-bengkulukota.go.id , Rakernas Supreme Court website(rakernas.mahkamahagung.go.id), prakom.depsos.go.id,  trc.depsos.go.id, outreacher.depsos.go.id.   

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