The official website of Indonesian president,Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ,, has been hacked and defaced by an Indonesian Hacker group known as Jember Hacker Team(JHT) .
The site was defaced by a hacker called "MJL007" from the group with a small message reading "This is a payback From Jember Hacker Team".
Few hours after the site got breached, the Indonesian Government restored the website. At the time of writing, the website works fine.
Detik cited the Indonesian minister of communications and information, Tifatul Sembiring, as claiming that the hacker didn't really hack into the website diverting the IP address that is in the existing DNS soft layer in Texas.
Detik cited the Indonesian minister of communications and information, Tifatul Sembiring, as claiming that the hacker didn't really hack into the website diverting the IP address that is in the existing DNS soft layer in Texas.
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